Editor-in-Chief Statement

Dear Readers, Contributors, and Friends of Trust,

It is with immense joy and a profound sense of purpose that I step into the role of Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Trust Studies. I am both honoured and humbled to have the opportunity to guide this publication into a new chapter. Trust, a cornerstone of human interaction and progress, is deserving of the most rigorous inquiry and the most visionary perspectives. And, I am committed to leading this journal on a journey that not only deepens our understanding of trust but also fosters a community of thinkers who share in the excitement of this scholarly pursuit.

Throughout my academic and professional journey, I have been captivated by the nature of trust – a construct that binds individuals, organisations, and societies together in intricate ways. My vision for the Journal of Trust Studies is one that amplifies the voices of researchers, thinkers, and practitioners from diverse backgrounds, ensuring that our exploration of trust is enriched by a multitude of perspectives. Inclusivity and collaboration will be the guiding principles of our editorial approach, reflecting the very essence of trust itself.

I am also very committed to upholding the highest standards of scholarly excellence. Rigorous peer review will remain the cornerstone of our publication process, ensuring that each contribution that graces our pages is a testament to the dedication and rigour of its contributors. My aim is to foster an environment where ideas flourish, constructive debates thrive, and the boundaries of knowledge are pushed further than ever before.

In the coming months, you can expect to see an array of thought-provoking articles, special issues, insightful commentaries, and in-depth analyses on trust. It doesn’t matter if you are an established scholar, a young scholar, or simply a curious mind, your contributions and insights will shape the growth of our journal.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude for your continued support and hope that this journal provokes further impactful research which I already look forward to.

In closing, the journal owes much to the amazing enthusiasm and professional support of the people at Open Academic Publishing and the CEO.


Kingsley O. Omeihe, PhD CMBE FRSA FRAI

Editor-in-Chief and Chair of the Editorial Board

Journal of Trust Studies